• Referred to as ‘peaty’ water.
• Results in a discolouration of water, typically a shade of yellow / amber.
• Can cause a tangy or tart taste to the water.
• A result of organic matter decaying in the water.
• Typically more common in shallow wells or surface water sources.
• Unpleasant visually and can result in staining.
• Treated by ion exchange resins.
• Specialist grade ion exchange resins will target and capture the tannins and residual organic matter.
• A combination of two different types of ion exchange resin in one cylinder.
• Self-cleaning units will perform a scheduled clean to ensure the media bed is fresh.
• Uses sodium chloride (NaCl) to regenerate the resin.
• Effective treatment technique however every site is unique.
Sites which have old boreholes which have been out of service are commonly looking at reintroducing them due to the huge cost savings available. There are many factors which can impact the project; all being well it’s quite a straightforward project.
Please give one of our team a call on 0800 772 3227 and they’d be more than happy to assist.
We offer a full project management service where we work with a select few borehole drillers and are happy to manage your project. Get in touch with one of our technical team for assistance.
Ground and surface water can fluctuate in composition along with the fact that aged treatment systems which haven’t been serviced and maintained can result in failures. Get in touch with one of our technical support team and they’d be happy to advise what the best course of action is.
First of all, this is a fairly common occurrence. You should get a full water analysis which details the water’s chemistry. We can support with this and offer assistance on what you need to do. Reach out to one of our technical team for assistance on 0800 772 3227.